Healthy Aging Resolutions for 2023

It’s almost time to close the books on 2022. No matter how your year went, many people find themselves reminiscing about the ups and downs of the past year and thinking about their goals for the year ahead.
Getting to see another year is a gift for which we can be thankful. Aging is a privilege not afforded to all. In 2023, how can we make sure every year ahead is as healthy as possible? We offer these tips for healthy aging resolutions you can implement in the new year.
- Keep up with your vaccines. Everyone remembers what life was like before the COVID-19 vaccine was available. We have come so far in this pandemic, but we’re not done yet. Make sure you are up to date on your COVID-19 boosters to protect your health and the health of those around you. Science is moving fast on other vaccines as well, so be sure to ask about any newly available vaccines when you get your regular preventive care checkup.
- Get plenty of exercise. Any bit of exercise counts! If chair yoga is all you can do for now, that’s better than nothing. Daily exercise is good for our bodies and our brains, so go for a walk, practice tai chi, lift a soup can or two—anything counts! If you are unsure, seek the advice of your primary care provider on what exercise might be appropriate for you.
- Prioritize your sleep. Our brains repair themselves while we sleep, and the right amount of rest ensures we’re ready for the day ahead of us. As sleep scientist Matt Walker puts it, “Every disease that is killing us in developed nations has causal and significant links to a lack of sleep.” So do right by your body and brain and aim to get the recommended eight hours every night.
- Quit smoking. By now, we all know that smoking is an unhealthy habit. It doesn’t relax you, and the habit can cause a host of health problems. Also, smoking is very expensive! The good news is that it is never too late to quit. Every minute you spend as a nonsmoker will positively contribute to your health. There are many nicotine cessation medications and programs available, so ask your doctor if you need help.
- Exercise your brain. Wordle, crosswords, board games and puzzles! Not only are these fun ways to pass the time, but they are also great “workouts” for our brains! Learning new things and giving your brain a fresh challenge helps stave off cognitive decline.
No matter what your new year holds, we hope you choose to incorporate some healthy habits and toast to a healthier, happier you!
This article is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Seek professional advice before beginning any new exercise program.
Source: IlluminAge Communication Partners